The Apple (Malus)

10. Sep. 2023


The Apple (Malus)

The original homeland of the apple is Asia. As far back as 6,000 years ago, fruits resembling today’s apple were traded in Kazakhstan. Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, was formerly known as Alma-Ata, which means „Grandfather of Apples.“

Many people know that we can get vitamins from apples, even in the cold season, and they are considered healthy. The apple is also a remedy that aids in digestion and boosts metabolism.

An easy and very natural method for detoxifying the intestines is an apple cure. This is due to the pectins (up to 30%) found in apples, which absorb toxins in the intestines and excrete them during digestion. Toxins, therefore, do not enter the bloodstream.

For Skin Problems
Because apples have a blood-purifying effect, they are also beneficial for people suffering from eczema.

Anti-inflammatory Effects
Pectin can also reduce inflammation. It also acts protectively if you have damaged mucous membranes in the stomach and intestines, as it envelops them.

Additional Effects
Pectin also promotes blood clotting. People who have a blood clotting disorder can counteract it by eating 5-6 apples daily.

Protective Effects
To protect against arteriosclerosis and heart attack, one should eat two apples a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

For those who are allergic, this could be a reason to try eating older apple varieties, which are often well-tolerated by people with apple allergies.

3-Day Apple Cure
A three-day cure is recommended for various reasons: for detoxification, for decongesting, but also if you have a gastrointestinal disease. It is also said to help with cardiovascular diseases and if you are troubled by water retention and edema. A 3-day apple cure can help with any form of acidification and with high cholesterol levels.

Apple Peel Tea
Pour boiling water (approx. 250 ml) over dried, chopped apple peels (2 teaspoons) and let steep, covered, for about 10 to 15 minutes. The tea is also tested for rheumatic diseases.

To prevent various diseases, you can have an apple day once a month for detoxification.

The Saying
„An apple a day keeps the doctor away.“

There’s more truth to this saying than one might have initially thought.

The Apple in Cultural History
The apple also plays a significant role in cultural history. It is probably the most widely cultivated and popular fruit. Who isn’t familiar with the many idioms surrounding the apple, such as An apple a day keeps the doctor away“, „The apple of my eye“, „A bad apple spoils the barrel“, „Comparing apples to oranges“.

These linguistic uses to describe things and situations suggest that it has always played an important role culturally. Similarly, many idioms relate to horses and riding, indicating that horses too have played a significant role in human life.

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